
Zeina El Abed

Part-time Faculty Member

M.A. Visual Culture, Middlesex University, U.K.
B.F.A. Graphic Design, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Zeina El Abed earned a B.A. in Graphic Design from the American University of Beirut LEBANON in 1996 and an M.A. in Visual Culture from Middlesex University UK in 1999. Pursuing a second M.A. in Comparative Literature sparked her interest in the medieval period. Her research focuses mainly on the relationship between text and image in Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and the role of Sufism in defining this relationship. She was a speaker at the “Resurrecting the Book” November 2013 conference held in Birmingham, and at the ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) September 2010 conference held in Dublin where she presented sections of her research. Zeina is currently an independent researcher, she also teaches, typography, history of art & design and visual culture courses in several universities in Beirut.