
The Revival of a Historical Monument

AKSOB 905, Beirut campus

The Department of Architecture and Interior Design is hosting a lecture titled “The Revival of a Historical Monument” by Jamil Assaly.

Assaly is an architect and a restorer of architectural heritage. He has been practicing since July 1998 after graduating from ALBA with a DES in Architecture. In 2003, he graduated from the Lebanese University in collaboration with the University of Chaillot, France with a DESS in Restoration and Preservation of Historical Sites ad Monuments. Since 1998, he has worked on projects in architecture, restoration of architectural heritage, interior architecture, and landscape architecture in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. He has been teaching at LAU since Spring 2015.

This lecture is about the Restoration and Interior Architecture of the Tannukhs castle in Aabey, Mount Lebanon.