Art and Architectural Education in Times of Pandemic
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The COVID-19 pandemic functions as a mirror. It is tragedy for most people around the world. But it is also an occasion to reflect on our practice. Art and architectural education should be better after the crisis than before. Which are the possibilities? What should remain? What needs to transform? Starting from the practice at ETH Zurich, the lecture will discuss the role of community, interaction, imagination and travel in a rapidly changing environment.
Philip Ursprung is Professor of the History of Art and Architecture at ETH Zurich. He served as Dean of the Department of Architecture at ETH from 2017 to 2019. He studied in Geneva. Vienna and Berlin and earned his PhD in art history at the Freie Universität Berlin. He taught at Universitat der Künste Berlin. Columbia University New York, Cornell University. and the University of Zurich. He is editor of Herzog & de Meuron: Natural History (Montréal, 2002), Caruso Stjohn: Almost Everything (Barcelona, 2009) and author of Allan Ka prow, Robert Smithson, and the Limits to Art (Berkeley, 2013) and Representation of Labor/ Performative Historiography (Santiago de Chile, 2018).
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In case you missed the lecture, click here to view the recording