On How Things Meet: A Career Introspection

In this talk, Elie Michel Harfouche delves into his architectural career to date through the lens of interstices. Whether tangible or temporal, interstices happen between ‘things’, be it materials, spaces or events. Thematically focused and intentionally non-exhaustive, the investigation highlights interfaces at multiple scales and at different moments extracted from his work and journey.
From early experiences, through education, to professional work and research, Elie retrospectively traces his evolving subconscious influences and interests in the ‘in-between’ to argue a growing belief that architecture is determined by the tectonic resolution of interstices across space and time.
Elie Harfouche is a full time academic teaching theory of architecture and design studios at the Lebanese American University, a practicing architect heading EMH Architects, and the founder of ArchiLeb: The Lebanese Architecture Portal. Following graduation from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (2000) and a professional career in Lebanon, he completed a Masters in Architectural History at University College London (2005), after which he returned to Lebanon (2007) where he has been actively involved in local architectural culture. In parallel, Elie is a researcher whose interests revolve around the particularities of regional expressions of architectural modernity with a particular focus on post-Independence output.
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