Crafting Connections: Design Made-to-Measure
Gezairi building, Chafica Balaa Auditorium (GB 404), Beirut campus

The department of Architecture & Interior Design at the School of Architecture and Design invites you to a lecture by architect Michèle Maria Chaya, co-founder of MARIAGROUP.
Based between Beirut, London and Dubai, the MARIAGROUP studio covers a wide spectrum of design-related disciplines spanning from product/ furniture design and interior projects to architectural practices and urban plans, throughout Lebanon, the Middle East and Europe.
MARIAGROUP begins all projects from a standpoint that is decidedly architectural responding to each brief through thinking Space -through light, material and contexts (environmental and cultural). The synergies between these fundamental elements inform the practice from the smallest to the largest scale. Along with a deep commitment to the understanding of architecture as a collaborative confluence of design ideals, tectonic knowledge and craftsmanship, the studio aims to delineate a common language prone to diversity and produce projects of excellence.