Adlita Stephan
In her grammar, Adlita Stephan weaves a net of meticulous marks charged with warmth, intimacy, uncertainty and anxiety.
Born in Lebanon in October 1976, the Lebanese emerging artist is based in Beirut. Adlita turned resolutely to art in 2011 an in the same year she completed her master’s degree in fine arts from the National Institute of Fine Arts as well as a masters degree in marketing and communication ESCP - ESA.
Adlita Stephan’s practice ranges across drawing, painting, mixed media and installation. Her artwork is highly imbued with war concerns, our fragility as human beings, time and her “dream-like inner life”. Her work attracted positive professional reviews and the interest of international curators.
The artist took part in several group exhibitions between Beirut, Abu Dahbi, Beijing and Montreal.