Georges Hakim
Georges J Hakim (GJH) graduated from Universite du Saint Esprit de Kaslik, U.S.E.K- Faculte des Beaux Arts, Lebanon, in July 1989. He joined the Order of Architects in 1990.
Since his graduation he participated in local design architecture competitions and International Architecture lectures. He worked with main national architecture design firms such as Raoul Verney Architecte (1991-1994) and Pierre Neema et Associes (1994-2001) before joining “nabil gholam architects”in 2001. GJH is a part time Faculty in the school of Architecture and design at LAU Lebanese American University since 2006 teaching Foundation courses and construction drawings.
GJH founded GJH architecture, an architecture and design firm in 2007. It is handling different type of projects, such as social, residential and interior design.