
Graphic Design Students visit WonderEight

On May 16, a group of senior LAU Graphic Design students presented their portfolios to a team of creatives at WonderEight in Beirut, as part of the Portfolio Design course. This course provides students with guidance and advising as they transition into careers in design or pursue graduate studies. Emphasis is placed on the development of individual, cohesive, and well-presented portfolios as personal marketing tools. The course culminates in a final portfolio review. For the students Marie-Therese Assaf, Gaya Elias, Jenny Issa, Maria Jwan, Cassandra Karam, Reina Mahmoud, Lea Obeid, and Serena Seif this final review was held at WonderEight, an international branding and digital agency specializing in creating brand identities and developing marketing strategies. The presentations provided an opportunity for the students to showcase their work while receiving professional feedback. The agency was impressed with the students’ presentation skills, thoughtful concepts, and quality of design work.