News and Events



Crafting Connections: Design Made-to-MeasureTalksGezairi building, Chafica Balaa Auditorium (GB 404), Beirut campus


Luminaries: LAU Alumni Art ExhibitionExhibitsGezairi Art Gallery, LAU Beirut campus

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In Brief

Fashion Design Projects: Promising Dreams by LAU graduates under the patronage of Elie Saab

The Fashion Design graduating class of 2021 get featured by Annahar newspaper. To read the full article, click here.

Real Virtuality and Immersive Storytelling

This webinar digs deeper into the notions of reality and virtuality and the evolution of their spectrum, trying to understand their different applications by focusing on the future of immersive storytelling and the notion of Extended Reality.
View the lecture recording.

Atlas of Human Impact (Vol I) — Archiving Visual Traces of the Anthropocene

This 24-hour workshop with participants from around the globe is initiated by The Phaistos Project — Forty-five Symbols and Open Collab, presented by Parsons School of Design.
Read more about this workshop.

100 congrats to our faculty Nisrine Sarkis and student Rita Azar

Graphic Design faculty Nisrine Sarkis and student Rita Azar’s posters were selected among the 2020 @100bestarabicposters. Posters were exhibited between January 30 and May 8 at @warehouse421& Abu Dhabi and between February 11 and March 14 at Ter Delft in Bornem, Belgium.

Physically Distant - Socially Connected

This year’s theme of the WHY Graphic Design Festival in Florence was “physically distant, socially connected”. Out of over 250 international entries, 20 works were selected for the final round, including student Farah Awada’s work, developed during the Poster Design course.

“To stay away from each other is the hardest thing for human beings, as it goes against our nature, especially when it comes to difficult times. The natural survival instinct pushes us to stay together.”

This competition was an invitation to give tribute to the moments of connection and solidarity despite social distancing as beautifully expressed in Farah’s work.

Work by our graphic designers lands in Taiwan

Five of our graphic design students had their work shortlisted at the Taiwan International Student Design Competition (Visual Design Category). Out of over 20,000 entries from 860 schools and departments in 64 countries/regions, seven posters from LAU students were selected as finalists.
This is fantastic news for our students and our department - especially that some of the work was referred to the jury in Taiwan by the Ecuador Poster Biennial, where LAU was also shortlisted.

In Other News

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